Tony Howard and Vanessa Montgomery team up on the Astrology University Podcast to highlight the hallmarks of the 2020 Sagittarius season.
We cover the Solar Sagittarius cycle, monthly Moons, headlining signatures *hint* Jupiter-Saturn wrap up, and Mercury out of bounds.
Formalizing a new segment; our fav classic signs that rep the essence or spirit of the archetypal sign. Who is your Classic Sagittarius?? Is there someone you resonate with that vibrates in that key for you? People that really speak to you or light the way often have similar signs and feel familiar. People that are not similar either feel compelling because you have so much to learn from their differences, your charts create a lot of dynamic tension/energy, or just don’t strike that chord & your ships pass each other in the night. They can open you up to parts of yourself and your experience you cant easily access alone, especially through the arts (for me that’s Annie Lennox, ultra Capricorn and quite different) Christina Aguilera (post genie in a bottle) held a familiar vibe for me – we both have 5 planets in Sag so it’s no wonder.
Mark the opportunity signatures in your diary with the sextiles and trines this month. (Easy flow/gifts). There are a generous 13 key dates this month!
We share what we’re currently reading and wrap up with key takeaways and a monthly mantra. Geek out on the astro tech specs while combining them with the psychological humanistic side astrology offers: how this month’s energy could best be utilized with an eye on consciously navigating potential pitfalls.
Have a great day and stay cosmic!
Vanessa ✨
Tony Howard and Vanessa Montgomery team up to discuss the hallmarks of 2020 Leo season on The Astrology University Podcast.
We cover the Solar Leo cycle, monthly moons, headlining signatures *hint* Mars square Jupiter+Pluto, plus a new segment: Opportunity Knocks. We share what we’re currently reading and wrap up with key takeaways and a monthly mantra.
Geek out on the astro tech specs while combining them with the psychological humanistic side astrology offers: how this month’s energy could best be utilized with an eye on consciously navigating potential pitfalls.
This is the season to SHINE – If it doesn’t make your feel fabulous don’t do it, don’t buy it, don’t keep it.
I’m open for bookings, schedule yours HERE.
Glow your own way with my brand new book Cosmic Power: Ignite your light, a simple guide to sun signs for the modern mystic. HERE
Stay Cosmic, radiant one!
Vanessa | Astro All-Starz
“As the world reckons with the effects of a once-in-a-generation pandemic, we’ve been told to work from home indefinitely and keep far away from friends and family. We’re also trying to maintain our own physical and mental health and temper worries about our careers and our finances, all of which can create a perfect storm of stress and anxiety.
And while it’s natural to give into unavoidable feelings of uncertainty, there are also ways to look at how we respond to stress in relation to where you fall on the zodiac.
For example, Aries might bark orders while Pisces swims further away from the problem. In a changing world that’s depending on us all to do our part, astrologer Vanessa Montgomery explains how your zodiac sign often internalizes stressful situations—and how to improve those responses to better navigate our new normal and beyond.”
Click the link to read your sign at Glamour https://www.glamour.com/story/how-to-deal-with-stress-according-to-your-zodiac-sign
Stay Cosmic Starlings! x
Shamanic planet CHIRON ‘The Wounded Healer’ is in ARIES until 2027 – this is a long & epic COLLECTIVE HEALING JOURNEY & the start of a new cycle.
Tony & I venture back to last time Aries healing themes were addressed (the 70’s!)And throw up some unexpected comparisons to themes we’re already revisiting now.
We discuss; the general meaning of Chiron and talk about Chiron’s transit in Aries, the Chiron return, the 1973 Battle of the Sexes tennis match, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, gender pronouns + more…
Let’s nail it so we don’t have to do it again in 50 years!
Where-ever you have Aries in your chart is where you’ll be experiencing some sensitivity, re-visiting old wounds so you can clean them out and heal them. If you have planets in early degrees, ground zero is now.
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