And that’s a wrap on the LGBTQ+scrabble board Pride month for another year. What’s a pride party without an after-party?! Please join my esteemed special guests, seasoned pro astrologers, and gals about the astro-verse Jessica Lanydoo and Christopher Renstrom, with me your marvelous host Vanessa Montgomery to continue the astro and celebrate gay every day.
We discuss pride, astrology, why it’s essential to ask who’s writing the history and why if you’re using it as reference or context. Reading an astro chart for any and all types of identities (*hint, it’s the same, we’re all human!) Jessica discusses centering lesbians and her recent scissor post, niche gay content, why she uses the term Queer, thoughts on the future and so much more both serious and humorous.
Renstrom reminds us you have pride (like lion family pride but astro and queer) throughout history, time, and the community; there are stories to be drawn upon.
Representation is everything, it was completely missing when I was figuring out who I am vs the singular vision of the heteronormative culture at the time. So here we are, center yourself in your experience, share it, connect, network, high-5 each other, give a shout out, and glow your own way. Enjoy!
I was inspired to create this pride pod party after my cousin Charley came out as same-sex attracted just as transiting Uranus crossed her ascendant in Taurus. Which got me thinking about the fascination with Uranus and same-sex attraction, awakening, and liberation from the established system, structure, or paradigm. Since the ongoing square between transiting Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius has been a headline aspect statement through 2021/2022 I wondered about its role or correlation over this period as Gen Z is coming out 1 in 5 as LGBTQ+ and ditching the gender binary.
I do believe it began as Neptune made her home run into Pisces, dissolving established boundaries and restrictions, opening up to unity, oneness, and the vehicles that transport us, like art. Jupiter the expander has also been in Pisces and recently made a conjunction, which spelled ‘peak unicorn’ as I like to put it. The peak blossoming this period has to offer.
Then there’s the transition or transformation of power correlated to the Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn through 2020. And leading the pack, the U.S having their Pluto return and Chiron return (which squares the Sun, aka wounding to identity, identity crisis. People wounded through self-expression). There’s a lot going on, however, I was curious to look at the impact of the Saturn/Uranus square on the collective as well as in Charleys astro transits. [How are they positioned in relation to your birth chart?]
A little background-It’s Charleys’ natal chart I’ve used in my first book Star Power as the example of how to put together a birth chart. Once again I’ve used it as the reference example for my newest book Astro Power which is about transits, forecasting, and destiny, so I’ve been watching with avid interest for the pivot that was inevitably on its way. And yes, she has a radical new look, she’s progressive in her own way and a sign of the new times.
The other motivator that came together with this idea, like a perfect storm, was seeing a fab pool party hosted and posted by Sagittarius, Janelle Monae that looked like it went on for days from Pride parade to Juneteenth pool party and beyond. Sagittarius is the original party sign and with five planets in Sag (7 in fire), I took inspiration! Intuitively I knew the perfect pair to invite for fun as well as solid astrology, representation, and a broad-ranging conversation. While there is so much more to say, and some of the topics we touch on I’ll give more air time to in the future, this is a must-listen-to episode.
Q. How do you see the Saturn/Uranus square correlation to the queer renaissance and liberation of identity, and sexuality?
Q. When you awakened to your truth, came out, found astrology/a mystic experience, etc, what was the major transit to your birth chart at the time? Uranus? Neptune? Pluto? Tell me I’m all ears!! (DM over on my IG or use the contact page to email me).
Astrology with my books;
△ASTRO POWER a simple guide to prediction and destiny for the modern mystic (pre-order)
☆Astrology for Days interactive Transit Tracker & Calendar-Use my code ASTROALLSTARZ at checkout
☆July 29, 2022, to end of the year: Interactive Grief Portal piece in Hella Feminist Show at Oakland Museum.
▽(Pre-order) Rise and Shine: an astrological guide to how you show up in the world
Does Uranus make me Gay? How Uranus came to be associated with homosexuality in the birth chart
Further Links
-Currently working on getting The Astrology of Homophobia by Peter Clamp online for you-stay tuned.