Alejo Lopez joins Vanessa Montgomery to chat all things Capricorn. Includes a look at classic Capricorns Shirley Bassey and Clara Barton (U.S. Red Cross founder), PLUS the new and full Moon, the continuing saga of Mars retrograde and out of bounds in Gemini, Mercury retrograde, aspects of Venus, opportunity aspects, and this month’s main cosmic movements so you can plan your month in alignment with the energies unfolding.

Hello 2023, and happy New Year, Starling! Is it any wonder the sign of long-range planning, structure, and ambition rules over our new year as we reflect and then plan into the next twelve months? With the retrograde of Mars continuing and Mercury Rx most of Cap season, write your intentions in pencil because you’ll be rerouting. There are big scene changes this year, with Pluto dipping in, then out of Aquarius, Saturn dropping into Pisces, Jupiter revving through Aries into Taurus, and Venus backtracking in Leo. I have a feeling that this year will be what we make it, so set your cap (pun intended) and stay focused—feeling positive and determined.
This is my final episode hosting the Cosmic Eye on the Astrology University Podcast and I miss it already. I’m proud to say I launched this forecast series with Tony Howard on June 3, 2021 for Gemini season. Covering 33 solar seasons (episodes) with 349 212 downloads and counting, I want to thank Tony for having me on as co-host and then entrusting me as anchor. I also want to thank all the marvelous professional astrologers who have joined me as guest co-hosts, including Jessica Lanyadoo, Christopher Renstrom, and Saffron Rossi. It was a pleasure to work together, hear your insights, and share what we love so much. Finally, thank you to all who have tuned in, shared, liked, and commented. You’re in good astro hands as Alejo Lopez is taking the hot seat as anchor, with a to-be-confirmed co-host (and or guests) joining him to continue bringing you the Cosmic Eye.
I’m debuting The Cosmic I, a quarterly forecast on The Astro All-Starz Podcast, published on the solstices and equinoxes as a celebration of the solar journey and our experience of it through nature (i.e. life off screens). 1st episode begins in Aries season!
I recommend Astrology University for quality formal astrological training. Their teaching faculty is world-class, and you’ll learn well in a structured group environment. Do the coursework, and read the required reading (and my books) if you’re serious about learning and/or intend to practice as a pro-astrologer.
I take life as she presents herself to me, and whatever you see in my face is what I have earned ~ Eartha Kitt
Cap season book Recs: A History of Western Astrology Volume 1: The Ancient and Classical Worlds by Nicholas Campion.
The Crone: Woman of Age, Wisdom and Power by Barbara G. Walker
The river is constantly turning and bending and you never know where it’s going to wind up. Following the bend in the river and staying on your own path means that you are on the right track. Don’t let anyone deter you from that. ~ Eartha Kitt
Forecast with my new book Astro Power a Simple Guide to Astrology for the Modern Mystic. DebutingJan 17 in the U.S.A. and is already published everywhere else. Astro Power is a simple, practical, and revealing handbook that reloads the wisdom of classic astrology. You’ll learn to use the planets to forecast what, when, and where in your life to expect the unexpected, utilize challenges, and plan for changes. Use this book to understand your cyclical evolution, predict your destiny, and plan ahead to make the most of a favorable period. Understand which archetypal themes are at play and in which area of life.
Quite the full moon at 16 (mid) Cancer this month.
This one is in a tense formation (t-square) with Chiron in Aries. Singer/actress Earth Kitt (pictured) has the same signature in her birth chart (+Saturn conj asc), and her life reflects the difficult start in life, Chironic themes of abandonment, rejection and fostering. And then Capricorn rise from struggle to dizzying heights of international success.
Learn more Unsung: Earth Kitt (doco) & Her Story: Eartha Kitt
Cancer is asc with nurture, mother, home, and security and rules the Moon, so these themes are compounded. You might have seen the stage set through the week leading up to the full moon with those themes bubbling up into view. Due to Chiron in the mix, it may involve uncomfortable change you don’t feel you have control over and have to deal with. Mercury Rx is by the Sun and opposite this full moon, so there’s some re-routing you knew you’d have to do, and now you must reconfigure. So, now it’s exposed, deal.
Those with planets or points activated by this full moon will feel/experience this peak lunation more than those it doesn’t aspect. The house in your birth chart hosting the full moon/sun polarity (and Chiron) will add to the picture and feature these themes.
Want to know more? Schedule a 1:1 bespoke consultation with me.