Shamanic planet CHIRON ‘The Wounded Healer’ is in ARIES until 2027 – this is a long & epic COLLECTIVE HEALING JOURNEY & the start of a new cycle.
Tony & I venture back to last time Aries healing themes were addressed (the 70’s!)And throw up some unexpected comparisons to themes we’re already revisiting now.
We discuss; the general meaning of Chiron and talk about Chiron’s transit in Aries, the Chiron return, the 1973 Battle of the Sexes tennis match, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, gender pronouns + more…
Let’s nail it so we don’t have to do it again in 50 years!
Where-ever you have Aries in your chart is where you’ll be experiencing some sensitivity, re-visiting old wounds so you can clean them out and heal them. If you have planets in early degrees, ground zero is now.
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