“As the world reckons with the effects of a once-in-a-generation pandemic, we’ve been told to work from home indefinitely and keep far away from friends and family. We’re also trying to maintain our own physical and mental health and temper worries about our careers and our finances, all of which can create a perfect storm of stress and anxiety.
And while it’s natural to give into unavoidable feelings of uncertainty, there are also ways to look at how we respond to stress in relation to where you fall on the zodiac.
For example, Aries might bark orders while Pisces swims further away from the problem. In a changing world that’s depending on us all to do our part, astrologer Vanessa Montgomery explains how your zodiac sign often internalizes stressful situations—and how to improve those responses to better navigate our new normal and beyond.”
Click the link to read your sign at Glamour https://www.glamour.com/story/how-to-deal-with-stress-according-to-your-zodiac-sign
Stay Cosmic Starlings! x