This month’s special guest Micheal J. Morris joins Vanessa Montgomery to chat about all things Pisces, classic Pisces folks Kate Bornstein, Amanda Gorman, and Simone Biles, PLUS the new and full Moon, the Venus/Mars marathon conjunction, Venus enclosed by Mars, and Saturn, Jupiter in Pisces, and this month’s cosmic movements so you can plan your month ahead in alignment with the energies unfolding-all on the Astrology University Podcast.
Dance in the rain – dream – lose yourself – have visions – love everyone – unleash your inner mystic and look through your 3rd eye – paint – cry – smoke bomb consensus reality – merge – go vegan – don’t quit your daydream – WALK YOUR UNICORN! – then write a song about it.
Cosmic Power: ignite your light, a simple guide to astrology for the modern mystic, Star Power: a simple guide to sun signs for the modern mystic
Our featured nonprofit this month is TGIJP, the Transgender, Gender-Variant & Intersex Justice Project, is an advocacy and support organization for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated transgender, gender-variant, and intersex people
TGIJP’s work is so important because according to Lambda Legal, nearly 1 in 6 transgender people in the United States have already been to prison, and for Black transgender people, it is 1 in 2—which is the highest rate of incarceration for any demographic group in the country. Learn more and donate to their work today at http://www.tgijp.org/about-us.html
Show note links
Book rec — UndrownedBlack Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals by Alexis Pauline Gumbs (Author)
Find Classic Pisces;
Montgomery teaches you easy methods and tools to work your woo + how to spot and avoid the pitfalls. Neptune is in Pisces. How’s the Magical Mystery Tour unfolding in your life? Neptune is a generational indicator and ‘the sign of the times’ we remember a decade for, due to its lonnng transit time through each sign. The house Neptune is moving through in your birth chart is the area of your life that keeps slipping through your fingers. The flip side: Magic Happens. Like George Micheal promised, you’ve got to have faith. In the area of your birthchart Neptune is passing through now, you’ll be experiencing a series of disappearing acts as well as Unicorns (magic).
I’ll teach you how to give manifesting your potential a red hot go under this transit, as it only happens once in a lifetime. Think you can handle it? ⭐️ Regardless of your sign, come to terms with tears, soul seeking and your magic. Surrender to a higher power and experience the soul connection you know you were born for.
Live webinar; approx. 90 min.
$25 (through Nov. 22; $30 thereafter)
No need to attend live. All registrants receive copies of the recordings to download and keep.
Level: all levels REGISTER NOW
Vanessa Montgomery – a.k.a Astro All-Starz – is a professional (transpersonal) counseling astrologer, and author of Star Power: A Simple Guide to Astrology for the Modern Mystic. Vanessa is the resident astrology expert for Glamour.com U.S, contributing a weekly horoscope column and special projects-as well as the astrology contributor for Whimn.com.au.
Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Vanessa’s work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel.
Find and connect with Vanessa at astroallstarz.com to read her blog, calculate your free chart or schedule your private astrology reading.
To hone your Astro knowledge, get your copy of Star Power: A Simple Guide to Astrology For the Modern Mystic
How are ya’ll finding this tense planetary ‘3’s a crowd’ at the moment?
Saturn conj Mars in Sag for a power headache, aggressive boundary control or just really tight thighs and hips?
All pushed to a head by the unattainable ‘shoulds’ and expectations indicated by the square to rarified Neptune in Pisces that has us wanting the ultimate everything.
I for one have all of the above plus sudden bad skin…Mars is heat and anger, Saturn is boundaries, hence, the skin as the boundary between our perceived self and the rest of creation.
Saturn is the ultimate in manifest creation and the boundary we are able to perceive that enables us to function rationally in this world, total left brain function…Neptune is like the ultimate in non manifest and the ability we have to also operate beyond this rational, logically perceived world..total right brain unity consciousness (see this blog for more deets on unity consciousness http://www.anhglobal.org/en/node/591) Get these two in harmony and you have a beautiful balance of left and right brain platforms that you can toggle between, thereby achieving a more whole experience possible for a human being.
Transcendent bliss vs worldly comforts/success. These two in square mean the two polar opposites are blindsiding each other in our consciousness, yet pushing for integration.
The areas in your chart these two are found indicate which areas of life you’re experiencing the conflict. The problems will most likely reveal as expectations and shoulds.
It’s worth the battle to get these two parts of self and areas of life into some kind of mutually beneficial operating platform.
The book ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ could be applied to these two parts of self or operating systems preference of left over right or right over left brain outlook.
The area of life Saturn and Mars are currently affecting for you is where you’ll be patrolling the perimeter like a muscled up Doberman with a bloodlust for freedom. Any perceived threat to said freedom will set you off and have you cuffing intruders, interrogating and your best impression of police brutality. Best you put out a warning sign, enter at your own risk. Fire signs will be particularly prone to combustion. If you get your head bitten off, back away slowly, let them cool off and don’t lock horns unless chargrilled looks good on you.
The area of your life (house of your natal chart) transited by Neptune will be where you expect nothing less than unity consciousness, unicorns, goddesses/gods and the ultimate nature of reality to just explode all around you. Or at least whatever your idea of perfection is in that house, without any actual effort from you. You’ll also be very sensitive, empathetic, and loving, finding the bliss in everything and one, a channel for artistic or spiritual endeavour.. or the shadow side, questionable boundaries, drained or draining it, or victimy/martyring of yourself or just failing at mundane reality ie, income and daily life, escapism through addiction (drugs, alcohol, t.v, virtual reality/internet, food).
And these two sides of your life are currently competing for you to favor one, when in fact you’re evolution calls you to balance them to win the lotto on life.
Watch for justifications you might be using to OK your own behavior while blaming others that do similar..look deeper under behavior and actions for the values you’re trying to achieve, and why whoever is upsetting you isn’t meeting those values. This enables you to become more aware of what you really want, so you can find healthier ways to communicate and achieve what’s important to you. This approach allows you to let go of needing to control others into meeting your values and appreciate theirs.
Let me know how you go and what works best for you!
HOW: I look through the biggest pity party stories I’m currently running on loop and work through the list from the Sobbiest or angriest one down, breaking them apart, pulling out the ‘shoulds’ and opening up the polarities to see the real picture in its entirety. From where I realise my original position was just a speck on the radar of reality and feel gratitude for regaining my position in true reality. (Yes there are super simple techniques for doing this).
‘The truth will set you free’ as they say.
Ain’t that the truth!
Cheers to team effort beloved!
Vanessa Montgomery |ASTRO ALL-STARZ ⭐️
Nana Chic with Neptune in Pisces…
Image – Kita in Brunswick St. Fitzroy, Melbourne. Australia.
Neptune in Pisces Style…Neptune has a big influence on Fashion> Having wafted into the sign of Pisces recently, we begin to see the flavor about to haunt/bless us through to 25/26!
Nana chic, garlands of faded roses, washed-out pink and purple rinses, romantic yet like a half-remembered dream one once had a long time ago..dainty flowers on cotton fabrics..glasses, like Nana? Why Nana? Perhaps because Pisces is the oldest sign in the Zodiac, ready to cross over, or perhaps calling to us from the other side. Expect nostalgic trips down an idealized version of fashions memory lane.
It’s interesting that youth really pick up on and channel this planet and fashion…the more open you are (as the young usually are), the more Neptune weaves it’s magic as you become part of its manifestation…and part of the group or mass fashion moment…Neptune has the ‘it’ factor and holds a discernible yet nebulous power to bind us all in its thrall, like heeding the Siren call. Perhaps this is why fashion trends tend to have no rhyme or reason.
Natally – The area of your natal chart currently hosting Neptune in Pisces at a snail slow pace indicates an area of your life where you’ll be experiencing your own fashion renaissance..Pisces yearnings and outlets such as suddenly wanting to be a photographer or join a helping profession if in the 10th house of career..wanting to marry a photographer, alcoholic or Mother Teressa if in your 7th house of marriage and one on one relationships..over your ascendant, you’ll present as these things, embody them, and probably be feeling really weary unless you get A LOT of sleep, meditation, soul time..sensitivities abound with Neptune, so look after yourself well in the area suggested by your natal chart.
SPIRITUALITY changes its ride but not it’s destination…
The sign of the times..and the visual identity of a generation, Neptune, has moved into its home sign of Pisces until 2025!. What does this mean for you?
Trends in Fashion, film, music, and how we choose to expand our mind (spiritually) are under the influence of Neptune..These avenues of collective expression are also favored by Pisces, therefore, they will be an important part of the coming decade. Other aspects of Pisces, the sign Neptune is in, also gain our favor…Jewelry, shoes (Pisces rules the feet), Animals, water/oceans, crossing material boundaries, any means of escapism, letting go, holding on, sacrifice, emotionality, tears, compassion, unrequited love, undying love, love.
Neptune rules the place where we seek connection to the divine, where we seek to immerse in that formless cosmic miasma from whence we sprang and where we shall all return..where we seek redemption and wholeness… it is where we find the rest of our splintered soul, our soul mate, that which takes us beyond our selves into bliss and beyond. To market and package under its cloak is the dream of advertising, as Neptune has us all in its thrall, far beyond the rational mind. Our spirit calls and yearns constantly for it..thus drugs, alcohol, illusion, disillusion, confusion, addiction…..and fashion all come under its rulership as avenues of ‘finding God/dess’ if you will. In these wayward avenues, we seek a promised bliss, expanding beyond the boundaries of our individual earthbound selves and states. To understand how this energy and our desire meet to collectively manifest in form take a look back at recent history…
In the ’60’s Neptune in transformational Scorpio pushed us toward sexual revolution..or at least our ancestors..we said hello to drugs..and the mini skirt.
In the ’70’s Neptune in Sagittarius found us seeking the bigger picture through Eastern guru chic, disco, lycra, and Jane Fonda, sporty, outdoorsy and casual, bright colors as all the fire signs love…and more drugs.
In the 80’s Neptune in Capricorn favored power dressing, shoulder pads, and a cashed-up corporate flavor. We worshiped at Wall Street, the font of plenty was pouring all sorts of decadence before a crash and recession shone its cold hard light of reality.
Now the avenue to connecting with that which is more than ourselves spiritually will wear the guise of Neptunes Piscean watery, psychic, boundary-less cloak. We will be inexplicably drawn to Neptunes Piscean domain of sacrifice, tears, emotions, spirit, psychics and the other side.
The world of dreams and beyond…best new career for this decade besides photographer, or psychic? Dream analyst!… Did you know we are always dreaming, we just can’t see them when the consciousness is in the ordinary waking state? Different realities constantly co-exist for us..this decade will bring more awareness and broaden our perspectives in these areas..There is so much richness in our inner resources we can rediscover. Not encouraged by governing or ruling bodies of our culture, our new connectedness thanks to Neptune and Uranus in techy Aquarius can take us there together.
SURVIVAL PACK = a meditation course, a box of watercolors, and a GPS!
Natally – The house Neptune is transiting in your natal chart is an area of your life you will need to let go into some degree, you have 13 long years to make the changes, or they will make you. Let the light in and don’t resist its ethereal non-materialistic charms. If this happens to be your career house, for example, you may lose your direction or vocation if it is not serving you spiritually, you would be drawn to the helping or artistic professions…if this is your relationship area, remember, your partner is not Goddess, the divine is to be found only in yourself dahling.
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