It’s Aries season – Fire up your inner trail blazer, aaaand GO!
The Sun, planet of self-awareness, ego and identity is filtered through Aries, the sign of ‘me, myself and I’, the fearless trail blazer.
This months solar spotlight highlights personal leadership, initiating, and how you assert your drive for independent action.
The sign of the dare devil and the dustup is tough, she encourages you to strike out without worry about what others think or are doing.
Classic Aries – Keira Knightley
On playing the lead in the 2018-19 film Collette.
“The joy of playing somebody like that, that’s going I am me and I have a right to be myself, and a right to speak my truth however I see it and whatever the consequences”
Keira Knightly has her Sun, Mercury, and Venus in this feisty fire sign. It’s no surprise she plays characters that are strong, outspoken and opinionated. While not actively courting controversy, Aries isn’t afraid of it either. Expect a challenge. Aries tends to be the action hero, like Super Woman and wonder woman so it’s no surprise that Keira’s break out role was a sporty soccer player who had to stand up for what she knew was right for her and lead in love. The slogan ‘Just do it’ is as boiled down as it gets for this sign.
“It’s not every day you get to do a pirate movie, you may as well go for it.” Keira Knightly
In your Chart
The area of life represented by the house of your birth chart ruled by Aries hosts the light of consciousness this month. As it lights up like the super bowl at a half time show, this is your time to shine! You tend to be intrepid in this area of life, solo missions are favoured and you do like to both pioneer and forge uncharted territory.
Don’t know your astrology chart, or where Aries is at? No problem, make your free chart hereor book in with me to learn about your cosmic settings and how to make the most of them, here.
Aries is an entrepreneurial sign so you may be great at start ups here, however you’ll need a good team for the long haul and to bring projects to completion.
Use this month for striking out, and standing up for yourself. Start something new or look at how you could bring drive and direction to this area of life.
It’s all about YOU now. get in touch with your life force and vitality, celebrate your right to exist and make the most of this life. What brings you joy? Do htat!
You were born alone and you’ll die alone, make sure the middle section deserves this precious life and don’t wait for others, make yourself small for others or falter on your impulse to follow your dreams. You know the drill, now, just do it.
Watch for starting dustups, being aggressive rather than assertive, bossing or being bossed, being selfish, impatience, recklessness, and watch where you’re going when taking selfies on the move!
You are loved beloved,
Vanessa Montgomery | Astro All-Starz
Happy Birthday, Sagittarius!💫🎉♐️
With the Sun traveling through spandex loving, free-ranging Sagittarius, today I wasn’t surprised to stumble upon 1000+ cheerleaders competing at their national finals. They were EVERYWHERE.
Keep an eye out for the sporty, the philosophical, the humorous and the gypsy set this month, they’re hard not to miss!
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves”Carl Jung.
There are so many roads to the truth…and this way is one of the easiest yet difficult to navigate, especially at first.
How does this relate to astrology?
Your birth (astrology) chart is like a psychological map, as well as a map of your external environment and events. It can show us what we reject, find difficult, hence tend to disown..all those bits and pieces of ourselves we find difficult to embrace and own need to find expression, so we relate to them as if they are external, projecting them onto others to re-experience them Until we finally surrender. Sounds complicated? It doesn’t need to be! (get your free birth chart at astroallstarz.com/birthchart)
Jung found astrology a valuable tool and utilized it to better understand his most difficult cases.
Here’s how Dr. Nima, developer of the Cognitive Somatic psychotherapy ‘The Overview Method’ describes it.
People can be so irritating. The things they do.One of the most irritating things I saw throughout my career was this concept of people feeling “entitled”.
I saw it every day in my Chiropractic practice. People getting sick and injured and feeling like the world owed them something. Car insurance compensation, workers compensation, boss, family—you name it. The world OWED them something. This button of entitlement I saw in others left a very bitter taste in my mouth.
It wasn’t until very recent where I realized it was myself I was looking at. Entitlement in my profession. Entitlement with my staff. Entitlement in my relationships. Entitlement with my ex-wife. Entitlement with finances.
The most humbling realization of my life. Carl Jung’s words slapping me right across the face.This was exactly why I was so triggered when I saw it.
What’s been triggering you in other people? What do you actually DESPISE when you see in others?
I’m going to go so far to say that the greater the trigger—the more blind you are that you’re doing it yourself.
One of my clients was so angry with her mother for cheating on her father when she was a child (she witnessed it)—that her resentment was blinding her from the realization that she had done the same with her own husband years ago. She was judging herself.
Does lying trigger you?Look closely—where are you lying to yourself? Your partner? Your family? Your taxes?
I asked this question in a workshop one day—and the lady who answered “I hate it when people are so disruptive!”It just so happens that this woman was causing the most disruption during the entire workshop—papers falling all over the place—coming in late—constantly having something to contradict everything that was said.
(It was irritating the crap out of me ☺ )
Take a look at what’s pissing you off in others.Use it as a mirror to understanding yourself.
Why bother?
The whole point is to become more conscious. More aware. To change the perception of superiority and self-righteousness and separation from each other to the humbling possibility that we are in fact, one. That there is no separation.
That when we start to see bits of ourselves in others, we have a greater chance of solving the divisions that are tearing our world apart. We approximate rather than divide.
Awareness actually heals.
And it starts with observing our own reactions to things—and going INSIDE rather than out.
AKA (Ass Kicking Action step) for today:Observe what you are triggered by and call yourself out on it.
You are loved beloved,
This month the Sun spotlights Venus ruled Taurus, shining the light of consciousness onto all things SENSATE. It’s time to travel the terrain of your souls’ natural world (your body), tap into your sensual side, slow down, and smell the roses.
Touch. Taste. Smell.
Treat yourself to good foods and products, natural, organic and nourishing..your body will thank you for it.
Taurus is an Earth sign, able and willing to roll up the sleeves. Where would you like to take back the power and D.I.Y?…and save a few dollars in the process?
“The grass is greener where you water it”
…what’s your meadow looking like these days?
Key Dates: April 20 – May 20
You are loved, beloved,
Hold onto your horsewhip, it’s that time of the year where we ramp it up and venture where Angels fear to tread..Let’s GO!
The Sun in the first sign of the Zodiac represents the beginning of a new solar year using the solar calendar. It represents a BEGINNING phase. Aries is the first of the Fire trilogy, this fire being that initial blast encountered on opening a furnace door. Think of a rocket ship taking off, the initial burn has to be the biggest to get things moving, after which the rocket drops anything it no longer needs, and generally heads off into new frontiers. The Wild Wild West is a classic Aries romp, as would have been slashing through the Congo way back when..possibly still is!
The Sun’s light is the light of consciousness, illuminating where we shine in life. Where would you like to spend this Arian Solar energy? What projects need that initial burst to get them moving? Now is the time to initiate and burn yr rocket fuel to get the most momentum possible and to push past initial resistance. GO! NOW!
The area in your birth chart governed by Aries is where the Sun is currently transiting through for you. It indicates which area of life, in particular, you need to challenge yourself, forge new frontiers and generally charge about like a Viking on her first pillage. This could be a career, relationships, values, daily work, and routine or even friends and associates. Mine is the collective un/conscious and dreams..yep they’re vivid and full of ACTION!
Key Dates; March 20-April 19
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