It’s Aries season – Fire up your inner trail blazer, aaaand GO!
The Sun, planet of self-awareness, ego and identity is filtered through Aries, the sign of ‘me, myself and I’, the fearless trail blazer.
This months solar spotlight highlights personal leadership, initiating, and how you assert your drive for independent action.
The sign of the dare devil and the dustup is tough, she encourages you to strike out without worry about what others think or are doing.

Classic Aries – Keira Knightley
On playing the lead in the 2018-19 film Collette.
“The joy of playing somebody like that, that’s going I am me and I have a right to be myself, and a right to speak my truth however I see it and whatever the consequences”
Keira Knightly has her Sun, Mercury, and Venus in this feisty fire sign. It’s no surprise she plays characters that are strong, outspoken and opinionated. While not actively courting controversy, Aries isn’t afraid of it either. Expect a challenge. Aries tends to be the action hero, like Super Woman and wonder woman so it’s no surprise that Keira’s break out role was a sporty soccer player who had to stand up for what she knew was right for her and lead in love. The slogan ‘Just do it’ is as boiled down as it gets for this sign.
“It’s not every day you get to do a pirate movie, you may as well go for it.” Keira Knightly

In your Chart
The area of life represented by the house of your birth chart ruled by Aries hosts the light of consciousness this month. As it lights up like the super bowl at a half time show, this is your time to shine! You tend to be intrepid in this area of life, solo missions are favoured and you do like to both pioneer and forge uncharted territory.
Don’t know your astrology chart, or where Aries is at? No problem, make your free chart hereor book in with me to learn about your cosmic settings and how to make the most of them, here.
Aries is an entrepreneurial sign so you may be great at start ups here, however you’ll need a good team for the long haul and to bring projects to completion.
Use this month for striking out, and standing up for yourself. Start something new or look at how you could bring drive and direction to this area of life.
It’s all about YOU now. get in touch with your life force and vitality, celebrate your right to exist and make the most of this life. What brings you joy? Do htat!
You were born alone and you’ll die alone, make sure the middle section deserves this precious life and don’t wait for others, make yourself small for others or falter on your impulse to follow your dreams. You know the drill, now, just do it.
Watch for starting dustups, being aggressive rather than assertive, bossing or being bossed, being selfish, impatience, recklessness, and watch where you’re going when taking selfies on the move!
You are loved beloved,
Vanessa Montgomery | Astro All-Starz