This month la Luna peaks full in the sign of the watery transformer, Scorpio. Peak Moonbeams at 7.10 am May 19, AEST.

Since the full Moon is a culmination, the point of ripening, it shines its full light to illuminate and reveal your harvest. I always find it interesting to note what occurs around the time of the full Moon.
This week the stand out issue is the shock abortion laws proposed in a number of states in the U.S, Alabama in particular.
*trigger warning re abortion.
Scorpio is associated with power and domination, taboo subjects, sexuality, crisis, life, and death. Its urge is to ferret out everything we try to conceal, particularly the most intense and difficult to face! Does anyone like talking about abortion, I’d say not. It’s not pretty, it’s intense, messy, multi-layered. Abortion is one of the most loaded subjects, and now it’s been served up for a close encounter. Scorpios urge is to plunge and clear the way for flow and health.
Not surprisingly, Scorpio rules the reproductive organs as well as the process of elimination.
Woman’s sexuality, and the ultimate power, the ability to create life is challenged by those who deep down feel powerlessness, who have a void here. So they seek to control others. More like God than the concept itself, women produce life, that scares people who either can’t or are afraid to express their true creative force or power. In polarity, if one is afraid to own one’s power and rights, it has to go somewhere, so if you give that up, someone else will take it and use the back end of it against you. It’s the law of polarity to force you to step back into alignment and own whatever you’ve given up.
When others think they can decide your fate, your future, your body, it’s time to stand up for what was always and will always be yours and yours only. It’s your choice. This is a human rights issue.
While I’m clearly pro women’s sovereignty over our own bodies, I believe there’s a case for better education and access to contraception. The process of abortion, I learned yesterday from a professor in microbiology at Sydney University, esp toward the end of the pregnancy is violent, terrifying and more horrific than I imagined. It could be mitigated by simple timing, but many women put off the decision when they could go in earlier. Like many Scorpionic topics, it’s not pretty, it’s full on, and it needs to be dealt with so it doesn’t cause more problems later by avoiding one now.
Women empowering ourselves and each other is the key. Clearing age-old disempowering religion based shame will help, and a knowledge of what a late abortion actually consists of is imperative so decisions are made earlier. Compassion and empathy need to extend to women who want to terminate a pregnancy, so they, in turn, can extend that to the fetus for an early procedure. More infrastructure would be useful to assist in the process.

What intentions did you set 6 months ago on the Scorpio New Moon? Your harvest will be illuminated by the light of this Full Moon.
At full Moon, the Sun is exactly opposite the Moon. This month the Sun is shining in the earth sign of Taurus, which is associated with our living planet earth, our bodies, and senses. Taurus is also associated with money.
Taurus says ‘show me the money’ and you’ll be lucky to get her working her brilliance for anything less than cold hard cash, upfront. Is having a baby affordable? For many, no. It may put the current family under so much strain that everyone suffers.
Facts -Most women having abortions already have children, approx 85 percent are in their 20′ – 30’s, and around half are already living under the poverty line.
The 1910 documentary film, Freakanomics, discusses statistics correlating the availability of abortion to 30% lowered violent crime, murder, and property crime.
Abortion is still legal in all 50 states of the U.S as none of the laws have been passed yet and will likely continue on through the courts. There is power in the people and this is where ‘united we stand’ works. Get organized in numbers. Demonstrate, make like Gandhi and resist in large numbers, storm the gates. Scorpio insists on transformation at the deepest level. Times are changing, and women are standing up for ourselves and not waiting for a savior. This is one of the best and brightest opportunities to make it count where it needs to.
The Moon is in a flowing trine to Chiron in Aries, suggesting old wounds around initiative, the right to act on your own terms, on your own initiative and volition, when you need to, is favored. Action on this for the right reasons looks very favorable. Venus is conjunct shock jock Uranus in Taurus- the shock of the new is possible. New technology may be available and it’s more likely to be if women push funds in favor of our needs.

This is a strong phrase. And Scorpio is a sign of great power. I suggest you focus on what you WANT. Where the mind goes, energy flows. Focus your resources on creating a world according to your higher needs and values. Be aware of where and when you’re being hooked into someone else’s game to deflect awareness of your power to create your own. See how much you rule the world and act accordingly. Your decisions and actions are part of your creative force.
The world is becoming a global Villiage and that can work well in women’s favor to own our power, free our minds and literally change our world. We’re socialized to consider, connect, and work in with each other. With access to such vast numbers, literally, nothing can stop a movement at this stage. Scorpio is a sign of merging power and dynasties. It’s compelled to pool together. Make the most of what has been ignited as astrology and energy is neutral, for it to manifest we have to channel it or it will go to whoever embraces it.
Scorpio knows there’s strength in numbers. Consider alternative ways to pool resources for strength as a united group to create a higher standard of living.

In your personal life, this moon will reveal what you may need to clear out emotionally. Any skeletons of old ex’s in the closet, toxic emotions you’ve harbored, feel, heal and let them go to flow. The house of your birth chart this full Moon is illuminating is a place you seek the deepest truth with others. Who has your back here, who do you let into your innermost tender places. Who do you trust with your life? Who is standing there outside your castle moat waiting to be let in? And what/ who do you need to be so you can enjoy the love and connection you deserve? *hint, just be yourself.
You are loved beloved, deeply. Your body is yours.
Vanessa | Astro All-Starz