Montgomery teaches you easy methods and tools to work your woo + how to spot and avoid the pitfalls. Neptune is in Pisces. How’s the Magical Mystery Tour unfolding in your life? Neptune is a generational indicator and ‘the sign of the times’ we remember a decade for, due to its lonnng transit time through each sign. The house Neptune is moving through in your birth chart is the area of your life that keeps slipping through your fingers. The flip side: Magic Happens. Like George Micheal promised, you’ve got to have faith. In the area of your birthchart Neptune is passing through now, you’ll be experiencing a series of disappearing acts as well as Unicorns (magic).
I’ll teach you how to give manifesting your potential a red hot go under this transit, as it only happens once in a lifetime. Think you can handle it? ⭐️ Regardless of your sign, come to terms with tears, soul seeking and your magic. Surrender to a higher power and experience the soul connection you know you were born for.
Date: Sunday November 24, 2019
Live webinar; approx. 90 min.
$25 (through Nov. 22; $30 thereafter)
No need to attend live. All registrants receive copies of the recordings to download and keep.
Level: all levels REGISTER NOW

About Vanessa Montgomery
Vanessa Montgomery – a.k.a Astro All-Starz – is a professional (transpersonal) counseling astrologer, and author of Star Power: A Simple Guide to Astrology for the Modern Mystic. Vanessa is the resident astrology expert for U.S, contributing a weekly horoscope column and special projects-as well as the astrology contributor for
Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Vanessa’s work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel.
Find and connect with Vanessa at to read her blog, calculate your free chart or schedule your private astrology reading.

To hone your Astro knowledge, get your copy of Star Power: A Simple Guide to Astrology For the Modern Mystic