The Full Moon brings to the surface our instinctual, emotional truth…like sea life drawn to the surface of water by lunar light.
Our needs for truth and freedom are highlighted by this months la Luna.
Sagittarius rules international travel, and with so many displaced people currently disparate and desperate to be someone better, safer, free, yet restricted by international boundaries, this Full Moon may bring to boil the extra fighting spirit that’s been bubbling beneath the surface.
On a lighter note, get your Party Pants on as this is also a Good Time Moon energy/ vibration…I hope you have some serious social plans for tonight because if you’re not an armchair preacher you’ll be out party hopping like no one’s party hopped before.
Mars the warrior planet is exactly conjunct the Moon and is retrograde. This means ‘Don’t fence me in’ or I’ll fight for my freedom. Retrograde means you may have put up with things that you know were too tight, but you’ll find a back road or door to get you to the open plains you need to really stretch your legs and see how far and fast you can truly travel.Β
The Full Moon sees the fruition of seeds planted 6 months prior on the Sagittarius New Moon. What were you dreaming of, or planning for? What is your harvest looking like now?
Polarity with the opposite sign, in this case, fact and idea oriented Gemini comes into play. We need to balance our need for ultimate truth with ‘Just the facts Ma’m’. The Sun in Gemini is conjunct Venus so there’s a middle road between light and social, ideas, and perhaps compromise vs freedom and personal truth at any or the ultimate price. Liberation and truth are found at a center point, encompassing the entire spectrum so balance the polarity and you will strike your personal, have your needs met.
The Area of your birth chart that this Sun/Moon Axis falls on is the areas of your life affected..Look at which ‘houses’ of your chart has Gemini and Sagittarius on the cusp. (you can make yours for free at
The following is a great example of this Sun/Moon polarity combined well.
Elizabeth Gilbert, of ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ fame, an autobiographical novel all about her international search for personal truth and freedom, has finally dropped the axe on the last remaining vestige of bondage. After being way too Sun/Venus, polite, compromising and deferential..this is still polite yet crystal clear and assertive. Ladies take note.
“Dear Ones –
I hope you’ll join me today in celebrating a wonderful holiday, that only comes along once in a lifetime.
Today, May 16, 2016, is National “Liz Gilbert Stops Answering Questions About The Word Selfish” Day.
For the last ten years, since EAT PRAY LOVE came out, I have been respectfully, carefully, and earnestly answering questions from people about the word “selfish”.
For years now, people have been asking me thousands of variations on this question: “Wasn’t it selfish for you to go on a spiritual journey?”
(Other manifestations of the question include: “Isn’t it selfish of you not to have children?”, or “Isn’t it selfish for somebody to want to be a writer, instead of having a normal job?” or, “Is it selfish for somebody to want to be a traveler?” or, “Wasn’t it selfish for you to get divorced?”)
And if you Google my name + the word “selfish” (I won’t do it, but you can!) you will see how angry my search for joy made many, many people. You will see lots of people hating on me about my selfishness, my horrid selfishness, to have changed my life, and to have created for myself a new way of walking through the world, insistently chasing the light.
You guys, I have been SO NICE about these questions. For ten years!
I’ve patiently explained to people my own journey, my own process, and my belief that it’s a public service to live your own joy.
I’ve told people that they don’t need to do what I did, or to like me and that they don’t even need to understand or approve; it’s all cool, can’t we just be friends? After all, my journey is my journey; everyone else’s journey is their own business.
I’ve given examples of people whom my book has helped β as though I have a case to prove, and I need numbers to prove it. As though the only justification for living your life joyfully is if your journey can help others. (Only then, with that proof, might I be off the hook.)
I’ve explained about how, in the Mandarin language, there are two words for “selfish” β and how one word means “to be greedy or hoarding”, and how the other word means “to do something good for yourself” β and how not everything we do that is good for ourselves is necessarily greedy or hoarding.
I’ve gently asked people to look into their own lives, and really question whether or not their martyrdom and unhappiness is serving anyone β as my martyrdom and unhappiness once served exactly NOBODY.
I’ve thrown all the great lines of all the great poets out there β from Whitmans’s “Oh joy of my spirit β it is unchained!”, to Mary Oliver’s “What is it you plan to do with your one wIld and precious life?”, to David Whyte’s “Anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you.”
I’ve even tried to show how my journey from depression to joy has involved suffering, in order to make people feel better. (“Don’t worry!” I would say, “I was punished with three years of despair and anxiety for leaving that marriage, and I lost a lot of friends and all my money in the divorce, too!” Because some people can only trust joy when it has been earned through sacrifice and pain…and that’s a little weird β both that people would want evidence of suffering, or that I would feel obliged to offer it.)
But you guys?
I’m done.
With all love and peace, I am done.
This will be my last mention or discussion or defense of the concept of selfishness, and when people ask me questions about selfishness in the future, I will only say that I’m terribly sorry, but that this word is off my table β for now, and ever onward. We will have to talk about lsomething else, or we can sit in comfortable silence. Or we can even sit in uncomfortable silence β that’s OK, too!
I’m at the ocean today. The sun is my buddy, and the sun told me this morning that he is not interested in this topic of conversation anymore. All of my friends at the ocean are done with this topic of conversation. This morning, on a long walk, the Pelicans sailing across the sky in elegant formation, said to me, “Dude, will you please stop answering questions about the word SELFISH?” The starfish I saw floating in the surf was like, “Seriously, Liz. Stop. I’m bored of it. Don’t you know any good starfish jokes?” I jumped in the waves and swam and swam with my eyes closed, faithfully trusting my pal the ocean to hold me up, and she said to me, “We have so many bigger things to discuss, darling. Stop talking, so we can begin.”
And when I climbed out of the ocean from which we were all born, and I shook off the salty drops, I said to myself, “It is time to shake off that word, too.”
Ten years is enough!
So enjoy this beautiful holiday, my loves. I am.
And enjoy your JOY.
I love you all very much,
- This Full Moon is at 1 degrees Sag/Gemini, and is exact at 7:13 a.m, 22 May. AEST.
Take your freedom and enjoy beloved,