On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you.
Write them down, then burn them as you visualize and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.
New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write down up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in Taurus.
Focus on areas and approaches that TAURUS rules, such as:
- Values…what are your highest values?
- Resources/resourcefulness
- Cash! …items of value
- Things that endure/built to last
- Things that embody quality
- 5 Senses
- Beautiful & useful
- Craft
- Bricks and Mortar
- Nature
- Security
- “I find and utilize resources that benefit me while serving others”
- “My work is meaningful and in alignment with my highest values”
- “I easily enjoy beauty and sensual pleasure”
- “I easily attract the resources I need, when I need them”
- “I easily let go of greed and worldly distractions that are not in alignment with my highest values”
- “I easily build wealth and financial security”
- “I am wealthy and financially secure”
- “I easily attract wealth while operating in alignment with my highest values”
- “I am surrounded by beauty”
- “I thoroughly value myself as well as others”
- “I easily enjoy the pleasure of my body”
- “I see and utilize the opportunity to build wealth based on my highest values”
Your birth chart reveals the area of your life this New Moon falls, and where these intentions are best placed.
(Check it out now at astroallstarz.com/birthchart)
Taurus is an Earth sign and rules the natural world, Earth, nature, our bodies.
Touch. Taste. Smell.Â
Natural, organic food that nourishes the body..beautiful scented natural oils..you get the picture.
A hangover from Christian, if not many religions generally, is one of distrusting the natural world, and especially our bodies. If you’ve internalized any of this body shame, or find you project it onto others, this is the time to reclaim your power. Value your body as the microcosm and our Earth as the Macrocosm for what it truly is..the vehicle and temple that houses our soul and allows us to experience this material realm. In short, a world where individuals can love themselves is a world where that respect is passed on to all around us. It’s no coincidence that our world is as polluted and disrespected as our bodies. When as individuals we can be happy with, and accept ourselves exactly as we are, well, hello liberation!
In terms of resources, how can you be of service to others if you can barely get by yourself? Another religious hangover is the concept of duality…to be abundant spiritually is perceived as separate to being abundant on the material plane. As long as duality exists we will continually strive away from, or toward, rather than encompass the entire spectrum that is true reality. Use this New Moon energy to be in the NOW. Appreciate and be open to the flow of creative energy that powers all material things so you can allow it into your life, and therefore be a great resource for service on a scale that can make the kind of difference you know you would love to make.
For the more adept Star Gazers, look at the sign on your 2nd house, plus the aspects to its ruler…you’ll be able to pinpoint exactly why your highest values are what they are.
Eg I have Gemini on my 2nd house cusp, so information and ideas are high on my values list, the ruler Mercury is conjunct Venus, so I want to inform women..that Venus/Mercury (in Sag) conjunction is square Pluto..so I want to empower women through information and education…and it’s true, lifelong wish right there.
The sign on your second house cusp points to your values, natural resources, and self-worth. It’s your ‘money’ house.
What are your highest values, and what do you need to do to bring yourself into alignment with them?
With warmth and regard beloved,
Vanessa Montgomery