La-Lunaverse feels encourage MORE. Excess, largess, more of it!
This new Moon is ruled by the planet Jupiter, the biggest object in our galaxy apart from our life giving Sun.
It’s no surprise Sagittarius presides over the mayhem that is the run up to Christmas. The silly season. Fun, frivolity, friendliness – and richly overdoing it on the spending, generosity, the out and about, parties. It has to happen and it’s a yearly mass release for a large part of the western world.
Read on to learn how you can easily make the most of this lunar phase to manifest your vision.
*photographer Ed Purnomo for Fashion JournalĀ
On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mood.
This makes rich soil for hacking your inner/higher consciousness. Get that 95% of your brain on board for future goal setting and planning.
Write down what you’re releasing, then burn them as you visualise and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now
What the mind.. can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Earl Nightingale
New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in SAGITTARIUS. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other facing off in polarity.
If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it. Muhammad Ali
Take it a step further –Ā draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Power up your vision with strong emotions, REALLY FEEL IT LIKE it’s yours now, in the present (your brain doesn’t know the difference) – work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.
If you can believe it and percieve it, you can achieve it.Ā Napolean HillĀ
Focus on areas and approaches that SAGITTARIUS rules, such as:
- Seeking
- Growth
- Luck
- Fun
- Freedom
- International travel
- Publicity
- Large media
- Sport
- Philosophy
- Teaching/the Guru
- Higher education
- Religion
- Truth
- Higher power
- The Priest-ess/preacher
- The hips, liver, booty and thighs
- I easily hear, listen to and follow my intuition.
- I am easily in flow, abundant and generous.
- I am easily in direct communication with my higher wisdom
- I easily act in accordance to my highest philosophies and beliefs.
- I easily step into my greatest potential.
- My mind is open and I easily learn new things.
- Ā I easily see the bigger picture and the connections between all things.
- I easily know and live my most meaningful life purpose.
- I easily experience great adventures and spontaneous fun.
- I easily see the silver lining and make the most of every experience.
Faith – The duality inherent in Sagittarius reminds you to go with your gut instinct, listen to your body and the law of the natural world you are bound by, and connect them up to our higher mind. With intention aim high while having a secure footing from which to shoot further than your eye can see. Visualising your goal in your mind, back yourself by acting on faith.
Super power – Fire signs act on intuition. Your higher mind/instincts have more information than your rational mind, I suggest you pay it heed. When you ‘know’ something, yet can’t explain how, then question and search to find the back up, you’re weakening your faith by not backing yourself. Experiment with follow up on that voice, start with the little things to build confidence and faith.
Mystic – Sagittarius rules religion and the preacher thanks to this connection with faith. It’s bent on seeking – only to find the holy grail lies within. Some organised religion may offer a path and a wonderful supportive community, however the only vehicle is within you.
Don’ts – Don’t let anyone else co-opt your freedom, don’t give your faith away, you have the keys beloved. And you already have the grail. The hall marks of the now age mystic has been a mass loss of faith in institutions co-opted by all too human ego (greed, power etc).
Do’s – Whether you start your own group or church, create your tribe or backpack your way through every sacred site known to humankind – check in to your inner sanctum through meditation, arts, yoga, mindfulness, prayer, unconditional love, surfing, floating, whatever takes you to that zen space- you know the one!
Growth – I want to break free – Where in your life is it time to move on, to expand or break free? Career, home, creatively, your outlook or mindset? Make the most of optimistic Sagittarius and take your best shot at freedom. Tune into the spin doctor of the Zodiac, it’s time to talk yourself up, boast and cheer your way to broader horizons – Confidence out trumps competence – You don’t need to be fenced in, so don’t be. As they say, you are your own gate keeper, so open it and walk on through.
Feel it – On this new moon get super clear on your vision. Back it 100%. Write your intentions, draw your vision board. Go into a quite meditative mind space and FEEEEEL what it feels like to be there now. In this knowingness, the magic happens.
Where, when how – If you know the ‘house’ of your birth chart this new Moon falls in, you’ll know exactly what area of life to set and expect expansion, growth and more freedom. Jupiter is in its home sign here, and amping up the power in this moon so you have a year of luck here. You can cruise picking up some lucky breaks, or you can make hay while the sun is shining. It wont be back marking up this area of your life for another 12 years so make the most of it by setting your intentions know your ‘why’ and the ‘how’ will follow.
You are loved, beloved
Geek Facts
- Exact 7 Dec, 5.20pm AEST
- New Moon conjunct Sun 15 Sagittarius
- Conjunct Jupiter 6 Sagittarius
- Square Neptune/Mars conjunct 13 Pisces
- Semi square Venus 2 Scorpio