This months Full Moon lights up;
- shared resources
- your deepest darkest emotional depths
- hidden demons and
- your power to transform and transcend
In polarity, Taurus represents the solid resources and values behind them that one has. Scorpio represents ‘I like what you’ve got, and I know just how best to utilize it’ or
Taurus ‘I love my body‘,
Scorpio ‘I love your body‘.
It’s all about creating a win-win solution or scenario.
What have you been wishing for, particularly what seeds of intent have you sewn and watered with action and attention over the last six months since the New Moon in Scorpio? Now we see the harvest. Is the resulting fruit succulent and juicy? Full of flavor and verve? Or is it rather stringy and barren? Is it even the variety or indeed what you thought you’d planted?
The Polarity between the full Moon in Scorpio is balanced by the Sun in Taurus, shared resources vs personal resources based on what you value most highly. What are your most precious assets and how can you bring them to the table to help yourself by helping others? How can you best give of yourself while combining with the best of others so that the greater is more than the individual?
Any old wounds or demons rearing their heads? Time to slay them. Know your own indestructibility, powers of survival and renewal and slay those inner beasts. Remember anything tormenting you from the external world is usually a mirror you’ve found to reflect what you need to transform within. Sometimes very hard to swallow but usually, that’s the case. Scorpio running on the low road can include intense feelings of betrayal, abandonment, jealousy, covetousness, and rejection. Of course, that’s exactly where to dig to release the massive reservoir of gold that is Scorpios promise.
If an individual seems to have an obsessive hold over you that you just can’t seem to shake, and you KNOW they’re just not all that, while you see yourself as a rational, cool calm and collected person in the rest of your life then try this imagery.
Visualise them as literally being in a you know you should see yourself in the mirror, but you see them..then look at what they’re really representing..
identify the main traits that bother you, that’s really getting your goat.
Now let the image warp and be the goblin those traits represent to you.
Define why for you that’s so wrong.
Now the hard part…where do you display those traits in your own life? Or where do you kind of wish you could, but don’t? Is there anything you can own, in all honesty here?
What secondary benefits have you been receiving? That can be very hard to admit to, but part of liberation is seeing the entire truth and being ok with that.
Transcendence comes from owning and accepting aspects of ourselves which for some reason we understand as being not ok..even as simple as say, shameless self promotion, dancing with abandon, or even just having fun..and when we see others expressing that, it really can drive us batty!
Scorpio rules deep psychotherapy. The take on it I’ve just outlined is at the core of how we can make that key turn in a lock that’s kept us bound, finally and simply liberating us.
The imagery or method may vary but the essentials of the process are the same.
Shifting your perspective can illuminate corners that were hidden from yourself, opening up to the bird’s eye view as it were…
Define the problem
Own any secondary benefits you may be reaping.
On the full Moon, we have the chance to emerge from the deepest and darkest depths to fly light, high, over and beyond. Free, powerful and majestic, like the eagle. Use the light and power of this full Moon to LET GO, and FLY.
You are loved, beloved,
Vanessa Montgomery | ASTRO ALL-STARZ
Free your mind: Own your power: Change your world