On New Moons release the past, any habits, conditioning, thoughts, beliefs that aren’t authentic or no longer serve you. At this time the Moon and Sun are united at the exact same degree in the sky, both their lights blocked from our sight, merging both conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. Energy is bought into a contemplative, reflective and quiet mood.
This makes rich soil for contacting your inner/higher self/subconscious, planning and setting foundations and goals for your path.
Write down what you are releasing, then burn them as you visualize and feel yourself let go with love and gratitude for how they have served you up until now.
New Moons are about Manifesting, so next plant the seeds of intention you want to sew, then water them with action. Write up to 10 intentions or affirmations to bring into your life over the next six months, by the Full Moon in GEMINI. This is when the Sun & Moon are opposite each other at their extreme ends of mutual polarity.
To take it a step further, draw or make a vision board for your plans, make sure you add a fruition date. Add potency by fuelling your vision with strong emotions, work in the positive rather than from a place of lack, fear etc. Whatever seeds you sew in the mix will most likely germinate so make sure you cultivate exactly what you want.
Focus on areas and approaches that GEMINI rules, such as:
- Messages
- Communication & its devices
- Short Trips
- Duality
- The Rational Mind
- Logic
- Thinking
- Tricksters
- Curiosity
- Gossip
- Chatter
- Short Trips
- Transport
- Motion/activity
- Gadgets
- Social Media
- Writing
- I easily perceive both the unity and duality in all of creation.
- My mind is clear, active and nimble.
- My mind is my Faithful and able servant, not my master.
- I easily see things from all angles in a complete view.
- I am presented with all the facts before making decisions.
- I easily use technology to facilitate connectivity and engagement.
- The information I need always presents easily.
- I easily find myself asking the correct questions that bring me the answers I seek.
- I easily find I can adapt and think on my feet, with an accurate and intelligent response.
Seeing the duality in all things rather than just one point or aspect.
An air sign, Gemini rules the rational mind, which as we now know thanks to modern science (and ancient wisdom) is highly adaptable and changeable. Just like Gemini. Our mind is like a diamond or prism, which can take information from the senses and process it in all manner of ways. Our senses give us raw material, but our mind is really where all the action takes place. The perceptions, judgments, perspectives, they all happen here.
This is great news as it means you can hold a multitude of outlooks all at once, play around with them.
The Lions Gaze
Here’s a challenge I learned this week. Catch a thought, and rather than following it outbound like a dog chasing a stick you’ve thrown, be the LION.
If you throw a stick for a lion, it will turn its piercing gaze on YOU. Use the lions stare to follow the thought BACK to where it originated. STARE IT DOWN. Your mind will throw constant sticks for you to chase like a dog, however Gemini is cheeky and doesn’t like following rules, you can use this to your advantage and make the most of this Gemini New Moon to take firm control of your faculties! Gemini is the messenger who is the only one that can travel into other realms, She is ready to carry your messages or bring you what you seek, you need only ask.
Alternately meditate and watch what comes up out of nothingness. Your mind can be your best friend, or worse than the most annoying friend once you realize Hello, it gives you NO space, relentlessly plays tricks and you have to apply some boundaries to get peace!
Meditation and mindfulness are becoming commonplace, with a multitude of apps now available to help you on your way its never been more accessible. Just 3 minutes a day is a start. (Rule of thumb is one minute for every birthday you’ve had). If you want to really see what it can do, try a Vipassana 10-day silent meditation retreat, the benefits are beyond imagination and you’ll be left wanting more. The retreats are free, not tied to any religion, and found all over the world. Next level? 3 months learning and practicing meditation in an ashram, yes please!
New Moon conjunct Sun 4 degrees Gemini.
5:44 a.m AEST. May 26, 2017.
Semi-square Venus19 degrees Aries
Inconjunct Pluto 19 degrees Capricorn
Grande trine between Venus and Uranus in Aries, South Node in Leo, Saturn in Sagittarius
Flowing up to a kite pattern with the North Node in Aquarius at the top, sextile Saturn in Sagittarius and Venus in Aries.
May you see from your clear light mind,
Vanessa Montgomery