Xmas comes early as triple Capricorn Jessica Lanyadoo represents with all things the pragmatic senex.
It is my absolute pleasure to share Jessica’s insights as she is another of my all-time favorite astrologers and modern mystics respected internationally as a counseling and lecturing Astrologer as well as a Psychic Medium – with an ever-growing fanbase across the globe. On my list of which astrologers to listen to and learn from, Jessica, like any self-respecting Goatly Capricorn is at the pinnacle thanks to her 25 years of practical application and socially progressive style.
Lanyadoo has lectured extensively on Astrology and is well respected within the Astrological community for her unique and pragmatic approach.
In this episode, we’ll share excerpts from Jessica’s book, Astrology For Real Relationships, which reflects her progressive style with constructive Capricorn real talk from consent to boundaries to Venus in the first house topping from the bottom–yes you read that right!
I find the best way to get to know the signs (planets, houses, aspects) is to talk to people and listen in for those keywords and classic tells because we relentlessly express the archetypal signatures in our birth chart.
Join us for a snappy-Cappy-guide- to-life, as we cavort through:
★ The 1 question everyone asks in consultation even if they don’t realize it.
★ Professional practice and pro-business tips
★ How to say ‘I don’t know’ instead of fudging it
★ Saturn returns, planning and mastery
★ Strategy and the long game
★ ‘old car smell’ / ‘new car smell’ (it’s a metaphor)
★ The Capricorn archetype rebrand – Lanyadoo style!
*hint-A Queer perspective – Capricorn is High Femme.
★ that sense of humor we don’t often hear about, but should!
And so much more – pro tips ahead! Take notes! and commit to at least one thing to take on board from #Capricorn life.
Starling, if you resonate, don’t hesitate;
▲ Find Jessica Lanyadoo for Capricorn real talk, wisdom astrology and woo, all rolled up in an excellent sense of humor At; Love Lanyadoo.com
▲ Pick up your copy of Jessica’s book, Astrology for Real relationships; you, me and how we all get along
▲ Tune into Ghost of a podcast twice weekly
▲ App – Tiny Spark (IOS)
▲ Keep up with Zodiac the vote- astro and politics, activism, super easy ways to mobilize and get involved.
Look for more dropping in the new year.
Finally, have a great season of the sea-goat, and take at least one hot tip for practical application in your life.