SAGITTARIUS, it may not be all systems go just yet but lock n load, your ruler, Jupiter has just gone direct. While Mars is still retro in your sign, dramatic course corrections will continue to take place, go with it. You may feel like your wheels are spinning, but smoke usually preludes a fire so be open to change. Once these two planets go direct you’ll know exactly where to head and what to do.
VIRGO, since Jupiter is in your sign this means there’s some systems that are ready to go now..yet with Action planet Mars and task master Saturn retro in Sag, Squaring your sign, there are still hoops you need to jump through. However, luck is on your side so you’ll notice some positive forward motion in plans that have either been stalling or eluding you. Your ruler Mercury is retrograde, there’s more information that needs to come to light before all roads are clear and you can make a strategic move for the gold.
GEMINI, your ruler Mercury is still retro. Don’t stress out, just send your call into the deep space that is your higher mind and be open to what comes back. You’ll get your answer. Also Mars and Saturn retro in sag are opposing your sign. Once they go direct you’ll spot your direction.
CAPRICORN, your ruler is still retro, so hold on there, keep reviewing, restructuring and rebuilding..tear down what’s not authentic or working and be ready to rebuild an empire that reflects who you really are and what you know you have been put on this earth to craft.