Pluto represents where we have unfathomable personal resources and power..a bit like our inner atom bomb. We can remain in the depths of unconsciousness and implode from within, annihilating ourselves or we can utilize its immense energy to completely transform ourselves, think sustainable energy V’s dirty energy.
Globally Pluto in Capricorn is dismantling outdated government and big business structures, whilst Big companies wrestle for power over people, resources, and patents.
In the personal zone, the area of life we find Pluto transiting in our charts is where we may be resisting deep and lasting change, or just letting dead wood go and courageously starting afresh from ground zero.
For example, if Pluto is in your 7th house of equal partnerships and marriage you’d be facing your darkest aspects of self through your one to one relationships, obsession could be a feature as well as the difficult feelings of betrayal. All to force you to step up and take back your own personal power, and let go of outmoded beliefs that are actually dis-empowering you. (make your birth chart for free at
If you’re beginning a relationship over this period, a magnetic, powerful and possibly older, financially established person could be attractive and in the end, bring you to your knees.
We each experience transits of planets in our own unique version of what is often ‘textbook’ scenarios. For me I have Pluto transiting the 8th house of shared resources, esoterica, and deep I’ve spent the last few years investigating psychotherapeutic techniques for the most efficient and practical, as well as trawling my own psyche, releasing the garbage as well as learning how to make the most of the benefits.
With this retrograde near the end of its 8th house journey I’ve found the best of the fest, so the retrograde will be all about trialling and perfecting it.
Check out for free to see which area of life Pluto is razing to the ground and resurrecting for you…What area of life is affected for you? How is it manifesting itself?
Pluto is a slow-moving planet, therefore the change we experience is thorough and complete, and why resistance is useless.
During a retrograde, we experience either a timeout for reflection or the shifts happen and we know just what we need to do..possibly due to aforementioned reflection. Old news or people may come back into our lives for a fresh take or for closure. Expect some unfinished business that may be uncomfortable to face but worth putting it to bed, as it were.
- Retrograde from 19 April 2016 – at 17 degrees Capricorn
- Direct from 27 Sept 2016 – at 14 degrees Capricorn
- Out of Shadow 18 Jan 2017 – at 17 degrees Capricorn
And You’re good to go.
You are loved, beloved,