Hold your ghoul friends closer, it’s officially the spooky season! No surprise it hosts Halloween/All Saints Eve/Samhain (Northern Hemisphere) ~ Beltane in the Southern Hemisphere.
Those metaphysical, occult images and symbols are age-old Northern Hemispheric seasonal images representing our experience on Earth when the Suns light is in the zodiacal zone containing Scorpio.
For those in the Southern Hemisphere, our solar-induced experience is really of Taurus season which correlates to mid-Spring. It’s about stable growth, sensuality and really we should be doing fertility festivals as opposed to end-of-cycle fall/death festivals.
However, we do have a Full Moon in Taurus and Sun in Scorpio moment so that’s a free pass to celebrate polarity for both hemispheres. It reminds us that for something to be born, something must die, and when something is dying, new life is not far away.
The loss of this cyclic understanding of life through seasonally informed spirituality leaves a gap filled by fear and anxiety around death.
With super-rich tech geeks using resources in existential terror of death of the ego consciousness, hoping to upload their consciousness to the cloud, we are way off track and our current situation is expressing that imbalance. Not to mention splitting ego-consciousness from the body as if they were somehow separate. And, splitting our body from our extended body, the Earth, by moving to Mars?! Like they are not one and the same thing. Embracing Taurus and Scorpio archetypes, that part of our experience they represent is an essential part of the wholeness of life, as Astrology reminds us.
It’s inspiring to see the revival of Wicca, Goddess, and ‘Divine Feminine’ understanding, and enthusiasm for all things Mystical, women’s empowerment, and non-binary awareness/dissolving gender constructs.
Something to ponder.
The season, practice your Scorpio stare and dial-up your magnetism while tuning into the Cosmic Eye: Scorpio Season. Tony Howard & I chat all things Scorpio, classic Scorpios Robert Mapplethorpe, and Caitlyn Jenner, PLUS the new and full Moon, the major planetary alignments this month featuring Mars in Libra and Venus out of bounds-on the Astrology University Podcast.