Jason Holley joins Vanessa Montgomery to chat about all things Scorpio, classic Scorpios Georgia O’Keefe and Vali Myers (Scorpio Moon), PLUS the new and full Moon, Mars retrograde AND out of bounds (OOB) in Gemini, Jupiters reprise in Pisces, Mercury through Scorpio and into Sagittarius, opportunity aspects, and this month’s main cosmic movements so you can plan your month ahead in alignment with the energies unfolding. All on the Astrology University Podcast.
Another fun and enlightening episode as Astrology and psychotherapist Holley has Moon conjunct Venus in Scorpio + Pluto conjunct his Libra Sun (reception). So who better to shine a light on the Scorpionic mysteries and let a few black cats out of the bag?
Happy season of the fixed-yin-interpersonal-water sign, the Scorpion, the witch, the mystic detective.
Need someone that has your back? That’s the Scorpio-Who won’t flinch at your murky side, ugly crying, or when the waters are rough? That’s Scorpio.
From the Venus star point in Libra to a new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio-through the vortex to the Taurus full moon eclipse is a discordant record scratch; however, the cosmos is divinely ordered, and perfection is implicit, so go with it like a rafter and hold on for dear life like the fixed Scorpio. No big decisions; instead, remain open and receptive like the scryer peering into a deep pool of dark water, noting what appears, reflects, and reveals itself from the depths.
Cut dead wood? Yes Ma’am!
Scorpio needs to burn off the dross to be born again. Transformation is as imminent as the metaphorical death preceding it – your ticket to ride (into the underworld of winter) to longer nights, at least in the northern hem.
In the Southern, our lived experience reflects the solar arc into longer days, so Taurus themes are at play, reflected by this season’s full moon in the sign of the bovine divine. Get out and embrace the fecundity of flora, arts, sensuality, and the halcyon days of mid-Spring.
Key Dates
✷ New Moon 2 Scorpio – partial solar eclipse
✷ Jupiter Rx into Pisces Oct 28
✷ Mercury moves into Scorpio Oct 29
✷ Mars in Gemini begins Retrograde Oct 30 – Jan 13, 2023
✷ Mars in Gemini through to March 25, 2023
✷ Mars out of bounds Oct 22-May 4 (In Gemini and Cancer)
✷ Full Moon 16 Taurus – Total Lunar eclipse Nov 8
✷ Venus moves into Sagittarius Nov 16
✷ Mercury moves into Sagittarius Nov 17
✷ Sun into Sagittarius Nov 22
‘I easily own my power and use it constructively.’
Book Recs
Holley – The Spell of the Sensuous: perception and language in a more-than-human world by David Abram
Montgomery – Supercouple: astrology secrets for a sexy, soulful, and satisfying relationship with any zodiac sign (composite chart technique using midpoints) by Tali and Ophira Edut of the AstroTwins.
Our featured non-profit this month is https://tewawomenunited.org/. Located in the ancestral Tewa homelands of Northern New Mexico, Tewa Women United is a multicultural organization founded and led by Native women. Their programs form under three branches; Women’s health and justice, Environmental health and justice, Women’s leadership, and economic freedom.
Big News!
Astro Power: a simple guide to prediction and destiny for modern mystic, is out THIS MONTH! Nov 10 UK, Nov 16 Aus, and early Jan in the U.S. Pick up yours here.