Tony Howard of Astrology University and Vanessa Montgomery, author of Star Power, team up to discuss the hallmarks of 2020 Cancer season in this new series.
Listen here on Apple Astrology University Podcast or watch on Youtube
Segments include;
⭐️ MONTHLY MOONS – There are 2 new moons and one full, all bearing the last of the Capricorn/Cancer axis eclipses.
⭐️ GIVE ME THE HEADLINES – *hint* 6 planets retrograde, that Capricorn-flavoured Jupiter/Pluto meet up, Mars heading into Aries for a six-month marathon – The last time it burnt rubber on the racetrack of our lives was in 1988- How did you use the extra firepower then? What could you learn from then so you make it over the finish line this time? *hint, regular pit stops! Weren’t licensed to drive or even born 32 years ago? We share our stories so you don’t need to crash and burn the first time out of the gate!
⭐️ We share which book is open on our coffee tables.
⭐️ Then round out with key takeaways and a monthly mantra.
Geek out on the astro tech specs while combining them with the psychological humanistic side astrology offers, ie how this month’s energy could best be utilized with an eye on consciously navigating potential pitfalls.

Stay Cosmic and take care!
💜 Vanessa.
To learn the essentials of astrology, read my book; Star Power a Simple Guide to Astrology For the Modern Mystic buy yours HERE