Client quote of the day
‘You know what’s wrong with society today..No one drinks from the skull of their enemies anymore’.
In light of the recent full moon in Capricorn, I expect such a display would send a definite message of personal and professional BOUNDARIES.
Are your boundaries impermeable, do you Sally forth with the confidence that comes with aforementioned impermeable boundaries?
Capricorn rules both boundaries and the skeletal structure.
How could you interpret this motif in a modern-day setting that in no uncertain terms lets others know where the line is so they don’t even ‘try it’? You know you’ve been successful when there’s that resounding awkward sound of tumbleweeds and furtive eye glances! No one said Saturn (rules Capricorn) was a master of social graces for a reason! Experiment with it. When you stand up for yourself directly without insult to anyone, yet no accommodating unwanted behavior everyone wins in the end.
Boundaries are attractive and make others feel safe knowing clearly where you edge is.
You are loved, beloved,