Pisces Sun+Capricorn Moon = Magical manifesting
With the Moon in hardworking, ambitious and organized Capricorn you could find yourself working hard to achieve your plans..The Mood combines well with the current grand Earth trine (easy flow). It would be wise to sort out what you want to achieve and start the ball rolling once Mars goes direct (See Mars in Virgo)..shoulder the boulder and it may move with surprising ease.
Capricorn rules structure, therefore in the body it rules the skeletal system, and in particular the spine (and knees as flexibility is important) to moving forward). Use this time to formulate the structure (Moon/Pluto) of you dream (Sun Pisces). Jupiter, lucky planet of optimism and expansion is in Earth sign Taurus, helping you to make the most of resources..Mars is in Earthy Virgo adding grunt, ambition, motivation and energy. Review, plan and structure while it’s retrograde then move on them when it goes direct so your dreams may become a reality.
Your Personal Natal Chart – The houses of your own natal chart transited by this Earth trine (easy flow) indicate the area of your life where some solidifying will be taking place naturally. If you choose to amp it up you could really make the most of it. What area of life is this for you?