Non local
The Moon is in the the final zodiac sign of Pisces. This means wind down, allow all this past lunar month has bought to integrate.
See what comes to you, you could be surprised if you keep an open, non judgmental mind..make sure not to limit any nuggets that come through.
To do this allow yourself to find that sweet dream zone..eg touch base with yr higher power/higher mind..this is where art and nature can help.
Listen to music that takes you beyond your everyday self, situation, mind…watch the ocean waves and bliss out..get out yr pencil n paper and just draw what comes to you..you get the picture.
Also altruistic acts take us beyond our immediate everyday needs, so you could go help out at an animal shelter or soup kitchen, it’s win win.
This way you’ll b ready to start the new lunar cycle fresh once the Moon moves into Aries the initiator.