Today marks the New Moon in TAURUS – Here’s what it means and how to make it work for you.
Sign by sign, the Moon cycles her way through the zodiac, giving us a New and Full Moon with each passing month – spending 2.5 days in each sign monthly.
In Astrology, the Moon represents our emotional core, our feels. She determines our safety, security and nurturing needs. Look up into the dark heavens, notice what’s drawn to your surface once you quiet your mind.

As the second sign of the zodiac, earth sign Taurus encourages you to take stock, ground, and structure for a firm foundation. She’s immovable (read, stubborn) when she feels harried and likes to get her tasks finished.
Venus ruled, she’s all about acquisition and stabilizing resources. ‘Mine’, is a core motto of Taurus. She loves to OWN things. Tangible, real, high quality, things. Yes, she thinks she owns you!
Manifesting with the Lunar cycle
The New Moon is the moment to plant seeds you want to germinate in your life. Write your intentions down or make a vision board for clarity and focus.
Set your intentions
Here are some examples of intentions using Taurus themes and keywords. Aim for within 24 hours of today, May 5, 8.45 a.m AEST- which is peak New Moon.
“I easily know my worth and value my gifts, effortlessly demanding fair and equal exchange”
“I easily build a solid, secure, financial and emotional base”
“I easily use my resourcefulness to make the most of every situation and challenge”
“I easily see and appreciate the value in everyone I meet, as they see and appreciate the value in me”
“I enjoy all the bounty Earth has to offer”
“I love and respect my body and the pleasure it brings me”
“I handle my resources in ways that are in my overall best interests”
“I easily own and live in comfortable, beautiful and peaceful surroundings”
“I easily find myself keeping my word and being a person others can rely on and trust”
“I consciously and consistently experience feelings of self-worth in every area of my life”
A supportive trine aspect to retrograde Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, the sign of long-range planning, suggests planting seeds for the long haul. What and where do you want to set down roots that can support your life and vision?
This New Moon has a mystic vibe as it’s in an easy flow with magical Neptune in Pisces. (sextile aspect). So manifesting is potent. Ritual is the earth aspect of manifesting as it grounds intentions.

Join me on Karlas 8-day business motivation and manifestation challenge, beginning May 5 on this New Moon. On day 8 I’ll join you live and you’ll have the chance to win my book Star Power. Learn more and sign up here.
TAURUS NEW MOON In your chart
Look for 14 degrees TAURUS in your birth chart. This new Moon falls in this part of your birth chart revealing where you’re naturally cautious, determined and need to see solid growth. You’ll have an eye and talent for both acquisition and practical or artistic skills.
To learn which area of life this New Moons manifesting is best planted for you – where and how to activate Neptune – where Pluto and Saturn are compelling you to get to the core of and transform your life – book in for a consultation with me or order your recorded astrology reading from my ‘readings’ page.
To learn more about Taurus and her ruling sign, Venus, get your copy of Star Power here.
You are loved, beloved
Vanessa | Astro All-Starz