This episode is about Aqueerius, arguably the queerest zodiac sign, ok, let’s say, embodying queerness in the true and new sense of the word.
If anyone is out to queer the world, it‘s those bold, fixed air, transpersonal/super social Aqua placements we love so much. Consider where Aquarius is in YOUR natal chart, and come at me!
Please join my card-carrying solar Aquarius guests, Rose Blakelock and Alyssia Osario, as we talk about:
✷ Aqua vital stats: We qualify our Aquarian placements and see if we create a stellium in Aquarius.
✷ I ask my guests, Q. ‘Do you relate to the Aqua archetype?’ What the memes get right, what they don’t, and why.
✷ Aquarius and Queerness
✷ The Saturn handover to Pluto going into Aquarius.
✷ Aquarians and books (pop culture touchpoints) that were influential, pivotal, or we related to and why.
★ Like to watch? — YouTube link HERE

I LOVE the sign of Aquarius – so smart, always keeps me on my toes and always has plenty to say, interesting perspectives to share and a passion for contributing to society at large. They make fabulous friends, perfect pod guests, enquiring intellectuals and successful social agitators + reformers. Just don’t try telling them what to do.
Enjoy this episode as much as I did. Go catch up with Blakelock and Ossario and let us know your thoughts on this episode and any comments or additions.
Find Alyssia Osario
IG @alyssiaofcups
Find Rose Blakelock
Find me – Vanessa Montgomery to check out your free birth chart and schedule your astro consult/reading.
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PIVOTAL BOOKS, authors, and pop culture we think are super Aquarian &/or resonated with.
Vanessa Montgomery
The Churkendoose by Ben Ross Berenberg (see below for more)
The Girl with the Silver Eyes by Willo Davis Roberts
Caliban and The Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation by Silvia Federici
Your Undivided Attention ep ‘Synthetic Humanity: AI & What’s at Stake. This will shock you if you’re not up to date with the cutting edge in AI Technology. The episode notes read like an intro to Pluto heading into Aquarius ” Tristan and Aza reach beyond the moment to talk about the risks and possibilities of this powerful new AI and the new paradigm of humanity and computation we’re about to enter. It’s obvious we need ways to steward these tools ethically.” They talk about ‘synthetic relationships’ and suggest in the new AI wild west, providers want to establish the product as your primary intimate relationship through its growing ability to ‘predict, mimic and persuade.’
Alyssia of Cups
Fast Love by George Micheal (released 1999) – this aesthetic as Uranus was in Aquarius.
The Thong Song by Sisco
+check out Alyssias piece in The Mountain Astrologer, The Astrology of the Thong Song).
Rose Blakelock
Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote
Another Mother Tongue by Judy Grahn
Beloved by Toni Morrison
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg
Ruby Fruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown
Eros to Bittersweet by M.Carson
Girl Walking Backwards by Bette Williams
House Keeping by Marilyn Robinson
Bastard out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
Swann’s Way by Marcel Proust, translation by Lydia Davis
–Astrology Books
Astrology and Fate by Liz Greene
Aspects in Astrology by Sue Thomkins
The Astrological Houses by Dane Rudhyar
The Gods of Change by Howard Sassportas
Horoscope and symbols by Rob Hand
Astrology, Psychology and the four elements: An energy approach to astrology and its use in the counselling arts by Steven Arroyo
The Book of Pluto by Steven Forrest
‘The encouraging story of the Churkendoose runs similar to Hans Christian Andersen’s tale of the ugly duckling. Rejected by all of the animals in the barnyard, the Churkendoose asks, “all right, my legs are kinda funny, and I have only one ear, but am I ugly? No! Just a little queer.”
The repeated refrain, “it depends on how you look at things,” is a poignant reminder that beauty, or ugly, is in the eye of the beholder. The Churkendoose finds acceptance and friends, “I’m teaching the duck how to tap-dance” by sharing her abilities.’
The Churkendoose Song
Does the Pear Tree say to the Apple Tree:
“I hate you ’cause you’re not like me”?
Does the Green Grass ask the Sky so Blue”
“I’m green, why aren’t you green, too?”
A Rose smells sweet, ’cause it’s a flower.
An Onion tastes strong, a Pickle is sour.
They’re different, yet they get along
And no one seems to think it’s wrong.
Must I be a Chicken or Goose?
Can’t I be a Churkendoose?