Pick up a copy of Bloom the mags 10th edition for my article ‘Sign Language’ (sneak peek here on IG).
About the seasonal solar connection to the zodiac.
Your understanding of astrology will benefit by understanding the fundamental link between the signs and the Sun’s seasonal journey through the zodiac. The same could be said for our special seasonal holiday celebrations and the mythological stories we attach to them.
Bloom is a beautiful, useful & thoroughly modern take on cultivating nature and our newfound love of it ♥️
Visit BLOOM here & gift your fave green-fingered friends & (chosen) fam. The issues follow the seasons so you’ll have a timeless collection you can draw on year in and year out. Pick up a book while you’re there!
This edition is Autumn, Australia, you’re in the thick of it now. On that note, April showers certainly got the memo this year! Northern Hemisphere, yes the Spring edition 11 is on shelves; pick up a copy of both!
Zena Alkayat is the gifted creator of Bloom and the original commissioning editor of my book Star Power. With Earthy Taurus rising, Zena cleaves to nature, and Bloom expresses the strength of that rising sign! When Zena told me about Bloom, I knew Uranus was heading into Taurus (indicating a massive trend on all things nature) so I also knew Zena was barking up the right tree, (pardon the flora pun) and have been cheering on the sidelines. It’s a highlight to have been able to contribute this astrological take. Enjoy!