Hey Queen, It’s LEO season!
🌞Listen in to the cosmic eye monthly forecast-up today!
🌞read my bewks and
🌞rock your lewks! 🌞🔥
✨It’s officially Leo season, the height of summer in the north, the depth of winter in the south-The sun is at strength in LEO, and don’t we all need some of that optimism, sense of fun, sunny outlook, and excellent leadership – Be the leading person in your life story!!! ✨
Catch my weekly horoscopes at Glamour and News.com.au to keep up with the times for your sign 🌈 ⭐️
Get your lighting just right (check out Tony’s perfect set in our monthly forecast, he nailed it!) – play with light and shade for highs and lows and drama in a good way, make an entrance-how would you enter the room, hold your body, if you were a queen? Well, play with that role!! Expand your identity to fit yourself, not social norms if they feel like too-tight shoes, the costume department is yours to play in.
Feelings are contagious-focus on the positive (and give love to your shade) -surround yourself with people who see the best in you, themselves, and life. Agree to upshift and uplift if you feel someone draining the vibe/life out of the pool (let them know that’s your M.O and turn it around) 😊move your body-DANCE-SING AT THE TOP OF YOUR VOICE-MAKE YOUR PROCLAMATION DAILY🌞
✨Believe in your lifeforce and make healthy choices based on self-love that amplify it. Not quite there? Fake it ‘till you make it, feelings are a chemical cascade, you can often turn it around with easy physical hacks and determination, good food, sunlight, sea, rivers-yang your attention into nature and positive people to re-set.
On brand, Leo season kicks off with a full moon in Aquarius tomorrow, and then brings its A-game with a 2nd to bookend the season – it’s a magnanimous sign let’s face it!!
🌞😅Love you, Leo!