Love of ideas, a beautiful mind…
Put simply, Venus rules love, beauty (harmony), and also points to what we value. This transit occurs in the Sign of Gemini..Gemini rules the logical mind..ideas, and disseminating information. So, the love of ideas and in particular sharing them is given hierarchy to the Sun as well as perhaps the backing of the Sun. The Sun represents the conscious egoic expression of self.
Today be aware of the ideas that pass through your mind and how you express them to others..let them flow and enjoy them, love them and bask in their brilliance. Let your mind shine like a diamond and value it for what it’s worth. Listen to the thoughts of others and notice what value you place on them as well..have you been missing some rough diamonds? How can you polish them up and present them in their best light so others can admire them and share in the wealth that can be claimed.