Super-fire-blood-blue-wolf-Full Moon
This moon has titles and as often is the case with Leo, it’s already proving to be dramatic, anticipated and hyped.
Leo is a fire sign that acts on instinct, loves luxury and was born to share her wealth of talent. Ruled by the Sun, Leo can hold the light of attention those shared talents attract. What and how will you be premiering this full Moon? Whatever it is, share for the sake of expressing yourself and be sure to let go of what others think. Open up any limiting beliefs or concerns you have and give your best showstopping performance every time.
Compliments? They get you everywhere, can you receive them gracefully, and give them with heart?

A ‘blood moon’, simply meaning the Suns reflection will be completely eclipsed, turning the Moon a deep red. Eclipses tend to be eventful, activating much-needed resets. If you’ve been avoiding what you know needs change, the firecracker could go off now so you can’t ignore it. Make the change you need for your emotional joy, happiness, and security. This one’s a super Moon, meaning it’s in close proximity to our Earth than usual (‘Perigee’), further intensifying feels. Wolf Moon simply means it’s the first Full Moon of the year.
The full Moon is a culmination of intent and action sewn 6 months prior at the New Moon in Leo. Its light reveals the harvest you may reap now. Feels are highlighted, emotional connections, safety, and nurture.
On full Moons, you are requested to balance the polarity of fire sign Leo, with Aquarius. Your individual self-expression and talents vs group needs and demands. How can you stay lit and contribute without losing yourself or your emotional needs?
Focus on areas associated with Leo such as;
- Creative self-expression
Leadership from the heart
Play, inner child
Performance, pageantry, and celebration
V.I.P’s and your inner royalty
Revisit intentions you wrote on the Leo new Moon six months ago or write new intentions and affirm that you’ll notice them revealed around you. The peak of the full moon is your last chance to manifest on each particular cycle.
Aspects to the Full Moon
Uranus the planet of radical change is in a challenging square to this Full Moon. Look at what’s irritating you, making you want to itch and scratch. Uranus can represent sudden upheavals and shocks, so take a moment to breathe and get some space before reacting. What needs to change in your life? It will be presenting for you to reflect. How can you blaze your own trail and strike out independently while still working with the group AND contributing what only you have to give, in your own unique way? The key here is some sort of Change. If nothing else be prepared for an unexpected surprise, jarring or otherwise. Uranus ensures things won’t go quite to plan!
Chiron is in a flowing trine suggesting an opportunity for healing any triggered feeling, as well as healing others.
Conjunct the North Node of destiny, there is something fortuitous and meaningful so take note of what comes up for you, who comes into your life and how you can direct and make the most of destiny when she calls.

In a ‘house’ (zone) of your birth chart
Thanks to an accompanying eclipse you may experience drama or theatrics in the area of life represented by the house of your birth chart in which this full Moon peaks.
Leo is the V.I.P, you’ll want some recognition, attention and certainly want to show your talent. Are you being pushed around and do you need to stand up for yourself and roar? Leo is ruled by the Sun which represents the ego and sense of self. A healthy ego won’t roll over, it’s the part of you that stands up for what is rightfully yours.
It’s where you channel your inner Queen and hold your head high no matter what. It’s where you demand what you deserve as well as share your talents and warmth with others. If those needs aren’t being met there may be an Oscar-winning tantrum. Or is it someone else competing for that Oscar!
The highest expression of Leo rules and leads from the heart, ask yourself how you could handle a difficult situation or confrontation this way and what that would look like.
You write your own script and often cast others into the same old roles based on old habits of perception, what looks and feels familiar to us – time to take the directors chair and open up the script? When you make changes or choose to respond or initiate in new ways, you’re laying down new neural pathways
Leadership is associated with Leo, how can you step up to lead in this area of life?
Can you open your heart more here and share yourself creatively in a way that connects you to others?
There may be a conflict between the houses of your chart where Uranus is transiting, and the Moon is peaking, as well as the opposite house where the Sun in Aquarius is transiting.
Watch for Drama, tantrums, egocentric behavior, bossing or being bossed around. Arrogance, not standing up for yourself, people pleasing.
Geek Fact Checker:
Full Moon exact at 4:16 AEST, Jan 21, 00 degrees Leo. Opposite Sun 00 Aquarius, Square Uranus 28 Aries, trine Chiron 28 Pisces, Conjunct North Node 26 Cancer.
Sun semisquare Venus 14 Sagittarius, semi-square Neptune 14 Pisces
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You are loved, beloved