Sun in Pisces+Moon in Cancer = the sensitive poet, private, and did I mention sensitive…
The Moons transits only last 2.5 days. They are fast moving and transitory, yet still seem to affect our emotional moods deeply. Today the Moon is in its home sign of Cancer, which means it can function more naturally and directly. Take advantage of the home and family loving sign and do some thing to nuture yourself at a foundational level…That means good home cooked food, family time with those who warm the cockles of your heart, and that you can relax around.
There’s a watery ambiance as the Sun is also in Pisces, as well as Neptune and Chiron..Those with a lot of Air and Fire in there charts may be feeling as though they are swimming in a pool and can’t quite gear up to their usual cracking pace. Those with more water or Earth in their birth charts will feel quite at home. You’ll find this astro climate supportive of your natural state, which will translate as having a good easy flow, or cry.
Tune into your emotions and notice them, without judgement..say hi! Just let them be, so they can flow..Where are you feeling them, and what do they feel like? What it the quality like? damp, wet, flowy, swirly, a solid mass???..Do they change once you notice and acknowledge them?
By not acknowledging, accepting and allowing our emotions to flow, they can become stagnant and seep out in ways that don’t support us…We can also acquire addictions as a way to stuff down the emotions which naturally want to flow, yet we can’t accept..This may be the day to look at habits that don’t support or nourish you, like smoking, excessive drinking, binge eating, or caramel popcorn…focus on the cause and let your feelings flow their natural way with out throwing any rubbish in the stream, ie judgements.
Your Birth Chart – The house of your chart ruled by the sign of Cancer is an area of your life you approach emotionally and cautiously. Often you may have a mother figure in this area, eg if Cancer is on your 3rd house of mind and early learning, it would benefit you to have a mentor or teacher who is also quite nurturing like a mother. If on the 7th house of relationship you’ll be wanting those things from your partner or close one on one friendships.