Click through to catch your lucky stars!
Read for your rising sign and your sun sign; while you’re there, check for your moon sign too! Don’t know what that is? Generate your free birth chart here.
Still lost? Consult the stars, book an astrology consultation with me. Learn about your personal astrological settings, aka your birth chart, and what this cosmic guidance system reveals about and for you.
Want to learn more? Pick up my book Cosmic Power and embrace your Sun sign shine! Cosmic Power is about operating from your center and embracing your unique purpose. Since the sun in your chart is like the sun in our heavens so you too must center in your divine spark to rule your world as a sovereign Queen. Where there’s light, there’s shade; learn the pitfalls of dimming your light so you can side-step them and get on with your destiny.
Go further with my book Star Power to decode your entire birth chart, then next level with Astro Power to learn about transits; prediction and destiny/where the planets are at any given time and how to navigate for success while timing and avoiding the pitfalls.