Pure as the driven snow?…not likely!
You don’t have to look far beyond the controlled exterior of a Virgoan type to see a warm and wanton hearth just busting at the seams to get out. The only difference with Virgo is that they manage it all with lashings of discretion, aplomb, and good manners…unless of course, you use the wire coat hanger-a Virgoan tanty is not one you would ever want to experience twice- if you survived it that is.
Virgo Moon creates a mood of crispy cool headed purpose. A great time to organize, do your chores and get everything in order. The Aquarian Moon adds rational detachment into the mix.
Mars and the Moon swing together in Virgo adding some superpowered cleaning agent to your day. If you don’t become a high-charged dustbuster perhaps you’ll just spend plenty of extra elbow grease getting everything exactly how you want it or hunting for just the right piece of white goods (as I did today). Perfection is always paramount when Virgo is in town. A super-realist, Virgo sees things as they really are, and knows how to bring anything to its perfect potential.
Natally – Virgo on a cusp of your natal chart indicates the area of your life you approach with an organized, realistic view. You’ll probably be service and detail oriented as well as seek perfection here. Mars is transiting this house which means you’ll be quite active in whatever area of your life this cusp rules for you.