Aries Sun+Cancer Moon = Emotional warrior
Wow what a water and fire combo..the Moon in Cancer kept the mood chilled considering we are in the Aries fire season. How was your weekend?
Aries and Cancer square each other on the zodiac wheel, which means there is a natural tension or that the Solar and conscious expression of energy is at odds with the Lunar or emotional/instinctual needs. Energy can build up leading to frustration from either the emotional or solar principle. In general the Cancerian energy tends to calm the more fiery end of Aries. Did you notice the difference in vibe?
Cancer rules the Moon so this is a comfortable combo where emotional and instinctual life can flow naturally. Currently Pluto in Capricorn opposes the transiting Moon, so some tension can seem to come from external sources each month during this transit.
Your Personal natal chart – The house of your chart ruled by the sign of Cancer is an area of your life you approach emotionally and cautiously. Often you may have a mother figure in this area, eg if Cancer is on your 3rd house of mind and early learning, it would benefit you to have a mentor or teacher who is also quite nurturing like a mother. If on the 7th house of relationship you’ll be wanting those things from your partner or close one on one friendships.