The Cosmic Eye Monthly Forecast: SAGITTARIUS SEASON (Podcast)

☀️ Vanessa Montgomery & this months special guest @christopherrenstrom chat about all things Sagittarius on the @astrologyuniversity podcast;
☀️ classic Sagittarius and pop icon Britney Spears
☀️ We have a laugh about The pitfalls (message yours in!)☀️ New and Full Moon
☀️ The headline act~ Venus retrograde ☀️ & Mars gearing up in Sagittarius.
☀️Listen in for the opportunity transits and featured electional dates for good timing around key actions + a fun new segment ‘Things to do in Sagittarius Season’.
☀️Learn about our featured non-profit this month: 📚 @instacollegefund
☀️ Schedule your one-to-one private astrology consultation here or gift your nearest and dearest for a look at what’s happening now + coming up in 2022.