Sept18-Oct 10
Best time to/for:
Communication breakdown
Re-hash old ideas
Turn yr thoughts inward
Look within
Don’t sign anything!
Careful consideration
Rethink ideas about beauty
Double check EVERYTHING
Assume lost communication
Re-work ideas
-re-boot communication in partnerships
-Re-boot one on one communication
-Weigh it up, then wiegh it up again
-don’t expect quick responses
-back tracking
-re-think your notions about beauty..but dont make any drastic changes until the retrograde period is over.
-not the time to update yr beauty gagets and def not the time to jump in a chair that does anything beyond a facial..however it’s a great time to research it.
Expect delays, M.I.A’s, and missed information in the fine print esp in all areas of thought, communications, tech, and most especially when it comes to your relationships as well as one on one delivery in all forms.
Go within and re-work old ideas, a real gem could polish up exceptionally and really put you on the map-again, esp when it comes to communicating one on one.