Today marks the New Moon in ARIES – Here’s what it means and how to make it work for you.
Sign by sign, the Moon cycles her way through the zodiac, giving us a New and Full Moon with each passing month.
In Astrology, the Moon represents our emotional core, our feels. Just look up at her in the dark of night, notice what’s drawn to your surface once you quiet your mind.

As the first of the zodiac, fire sign Aries is the action call to wake you out of nostalgia, the past, drop the baggage so you can travel at speed, head first into the future and new beginnings. Little wonder she wants to keep her lead and loves both the thrill of the chase and to win. Expect a fair fight with Aries, what you see is what you get.
She’s all about ego, setting it ablaze as a signal light to let the world know you’ve arrived. The simple statement ‘I AM’, there-fore I am, justifies your right to simply BE here, to existence.
Aries key words
Independence, Initiative, ME! Trailblazer, Pioneer, Strength, Straight shooter, Innocence, assertiveness, Conquest, Winning, First, New beginnings, Leadership, Warrior, Fearlessness, Self discovery.
Watch for that Aries shadow
Impatience, selfishness, roughshod, unprepared, temper, irritability, anger, aggressiveness, hotheaded.
Manifesting with the Lunar cycle
The New Moon, especially this one, is the moment to plant seeds you want to germinate in your life. Write your intentions down or make a vision board for clarity and focus.
Set your intentions
Here are some examples of intentions using Aries themes and keywords. Aim for within 24 hours of today, April 5, 7:50 p.m AEST- which is peak New Moon.
“I move into new phases of my life with ease, joy and enthusiasm.”
“I easily lead from the heart with integrity and initiative in a way others support.”
“I easily know what I want and go for it”
“I easily love and completely accept myself”
“I make decisions and take action with ease”
“My actions are easily congruent with my beliefs”
“I easily stand up for, and assert myself in healthy ways”

Preparedness is key
The New Moon is in a challenging position to Saturn and Pluto meaning we need to shoulder our responsibilities and engage our power if we want the fresh start we know is waiting for us. It’s like running with you’re laces untied, you’ll trip up in your octane fuelled race to glory if you don’t take that time to sort them out.
Saturn is the task master littering our progress with frustrations and obstacles so take each as it comes and you’ll grow with each conquest! You’ll need to step into your authority and maturity while maintaining your fresh faced enthusiasm. Employ patience and strategy while keeping the light of initiative high.
You want to strike out and lead, to carve your own lane, but Pluto suggests you will have to tap your deeper resources of endurance. Keep your sights trained firmly on your direction and be extremely thorough. A roughshod or impatient approach won’t cut it in this cosmic climate.
Question– How can embracing your authority, responsibilities and power assist you in your journey? What’s come up for you over the past week? Work on, transform and clear that to move forward.
In your chart
At 15 degrees Aries, the area this new Moon falls in your birth chart is where you are naturally pioneering, need excitement and action. To learn where the New Moon suggests fresh starts for you, and where Pluto and Saturn are compelling you to get to the core of and transform your life, book in for consultation with me or order your recorded astrology reading from my ‘readings’ page.
You are loved, beloved,
Vanessa | Astro All-Starz